Live Flames Inside a Fire Brick Lined Wood Burning Stove It has been said that fire brick isn't needed inside a wood-burning stove's fire chamber. However, there are good reasons to use fire...
Most people will never have to experience having a well drilled on their property. However, for those who do get this opportunity, there are some things you'll want to keep in mind as you plan and...
What Are The Steps In Maintaining My Portable Generator? (With Images)
We use our portable generators continuously while we're working on our remote property. Even after we install a permanent power solution, we will still need a portable generator. With...
When we bought our forested property this is one of the first things I was required to complete within 60 days in order to keep my taxes in a timber deferred status. I had two options, I could...
Because of the number of trees we have on our property, preventing fires became a huge concern, and that's when this question arose. Will forest management prevent wildfires? Yes, forest...