DIY Projects in Progress Whether crafting a rustic coffee table, a cozy bookshelf, or even custom shelving for your plant collection, choosing the suitable wood is crucial. Pine wood for DIY...
Clear Pine Resin In researching the uses of Ponderosa pine trees, I came to pine sap or pitch and realized it's a subject of its own. Turns out there's much more to pine sap than what most people...
Stacked Pine Lumber Using Stickers For Air Flow Ah yes, pine lumber is the versatile wood that can be used for anything from building a treehouse to crafting custom furniture. If you're a...
Pine wood is a stable and versatile wood used throughout the world. It is a sustainable wood due to its fast growth and is considerably cheaper than other types of wood, such as hardwoods. Pinewood...
Hot Fire Inside a Fireplace We have a lot of uprooted trees from years past. These roots get loaded with fatwood, lightwood, heart pine, lighter knot, or whatever you call it, which we use to...
Because we have Ponderosa pine trees I wanted to know what exactly it is good for and other uses. In this article, I talk about the tree as a whole. So to start with what is...